July 7-11, 2025 (ages 5-8) Birth years 2020-2017
July 29-Aug. 1, 2025 (9-14) Birth Years 2016-2011
The Clarence Soccer Center is a 39-acre complex located at the corner of Kraus and Clarence Center roads in Clarence Center, NY. The complex includes 12 soccer fields; large parking areas; a gazebo and playground; club house with snack bar, classroom, rest rooms, and storage. Additional town park fields are utilized during the Clarence Classic Tournament. See Field Locations.
As a volunteer-driven and led organization, we are dedicated to continually enhancing our programs and facilities to best serve the young soccer players of our town. Become involved today. Contact Executive Director Doug Curella Jr. at cscexecutivedir@gmail.com or at 716-432-2580 regarding committees, board of directors, and leadership roles.
Volunteer for TOPSoccer Starting in November! Earn community service hours!
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