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Soccer Center Closings - House League

Current Field Status


The weather can change quickly so the referees and staff will make game time decisions as necessary if the weather becomes an issue during play.

Inclement Weather Policy

Games will be played in all types of weather conditions.  The coaches from both teams and the game referee should decide together to start or continue the game when the weather gets particularly severe and if a game should be cancelled or abandoned.

Any Lightning or Thunder will automatically require all fields to be cleared immediately - no exceptions.  Our policy is that the fields will remain clear for a full 30 minutes after any Lightning or Thunder before any play can then be resumed.  During this time everyone should remain in their cars or in the pavilion.

Two blasts of an air-horn from the clubhouse is the signal to clear the fields in the event of Thunder or Lightning.  However, coaches and referees should not rely upon that as the only signal to stop play.  If anyone hears Thunder or sees Lightning, then all fields should be cleared immediately.

House League Director will communicate updates to parents and players via email and social media updates. 

Coaches can gather in the pavilion to receive updates from House League Director or Referee Manager. Please do not go into the classroom and ask for updates, you will be receive updates as decisions are made. Only referees and House League Committee members should report to the classroom for discussion.